Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An Open Letter to Our Fellow Alumni

My fellow alumni,

About this time last year, some of our classmates re-discovered each other through the magic and wonders of the internet. I was able to chat with fellow Batch 66 alumni, Dr. Raymundo (Munding) Pendor, who is now the President of Holy Cross College of Davao, Aning Atienza-Orquina, France Adan-Banzuela and Adriano Tenorio. Dr. Pendor mentioned to me that he left some seed money for a future scholarship fund in Libmanan. Then, France mentioned about her plan of publishing a Newsletter for the BCA Alumni Batch 66.

That's when the idea struck me… why not build a website to test if there would be interests for an Alumni Association and Scholarship Fund? So, I built the website for the future BCA Alumni Association which can be found in It is a temporary and Unofficial website with the mission and goal of gathering and disseminating information regarding the proposed formation of the association. I was also hoping that our fellow graduates will provide us information about themselves and their present whereabouts, whether they are in Libmanan or anywhere else in the world.

The website has a page with the proposed Constitution and By-Laws which I wrote with the help of Dr. Pendor. Our plan is to submit the Constitution and By-Laws for ratification during a General Meeting or Assembly.

The response was modest but significant. More than fifty BCA graduates submitted information and provided their e-mails. The feed backs were both kind, and generous. They are a small number but, I believe, represents the hundreds if not thousands of BCA Alumni out there who felt the same way we do, but without internet access.

The enthusiasm shown by the visitors to the website confirmed my belief that a legitimate BCA Alumni Association may now be finally formed. So why legitimize our Alumni Association by incorporating it? There are several reasons but foremost is the capability for sourcing funds which only an organized and incorporated association can do legitimately. With an incorporated association, we will be able to solicit from our fellow BCA Alumni all over the world, who I believe are willing and able to give to this just cause.

It's time to give back to our community!

Teddy V. Peredo, Batch 66


glennmore said...

pls open the BCA YouTube WOW BCA or the full info about BCA type GLENNARIES in youtube / BCA Friendster ...... Go go go go BCA MABUHAY LIBMANAN

glennmore said...

pls open the BCA YouTube WOW BCA or the full info about BCA type GLENNARIES in youtube / BCA Friendster ...... Go go go go BCA MABUHAY LIBMANAN

bobby said...

how i wish countless of our fellow bcaians get out of their ways and try to make some links with each other so that we would preserve the camaraderie we started during our wishing also that much of our former teachers do some good kicks to get in touch thru this are u cecile durante, edgar dela noche, nancy llame, rostum jaucian, marcial naag, lolita "sprint queen" gantong, genevie pons, letty castaneda, nelly avendano, emma bresenio, etc? hope to hear from u soon. please get in touch. mabuhay kamo gabos!